Writing content for your website can be a challenging process. However, if you know how to optimize your website in order to increase its ranking on search engines and drive more traffic to it, then you’ll be able to create great content that will ultimately help your business grow with the help of right SEO Ajman. To help you with this process, here are my cardinal rules for writing SEO-friendly content:

Do Keyword Research

In order to write content that is SEO-friendly, you must first know what your audience is interested in. This does not mean that you have to know every single fact about them, but it does mean that you need to understand what type of content they will be most likely to click on.

SEO Ajman

you are writing a blog post about how to make a healthy meal plan for the week, it will do no good if your keywords focus on cooking tips and recipes while your audience’s main concern is being able to prepare meals without breaking their budget.

When doing keyword research, it’s important not only that you find the right keywords but also make sure they are appropriate for what you want them used in—for example “how long should I boil eggs?” would not be useful as a keyword if someone were looking up information on how much protein eggs contain because there would be no way of knowing whether they meant boiling eggs in water or boiling eggs over medium heat with butter and salt outside until they turned brown on top; whereas “what kind of foods do chickens eat” might work better because even though there may still be some confusion (since this could also refer either specifically to chicken feed) at least we know which animal we’re talking about! Remember though: don’t go overboard with this rule; just stick with one word per phrase so things don’t get too confusing.”

Create Long-Form Content

Long-form content is more engaging than shorter pieces.

Longer pieces are more likely to be shared, which means you’ll reach a wider audience.

Longer articles are also more likely to be read, meaning your readers will go through all the way to the end of your piece before they leave (which is something we all want).

And most importantly, Google has confirmed that longer articles are more likely than short ones to rank well in search engine results. This means you can expect better SEO as well!

Include Links

Links play a key role in search engine optimization. They’re what help Google determine which pages to rank highly and which ones to rank lower. For this reason, it’s a good idea to include links in your content, especially if the link is relevant.

  • Include links to pages on your site that are similar or related to the topic at hand
  • If you can find external sources that support your claims or provide additional information, include them as well (but make sure they’re trustworthy!)
  • Remember: relevant anchor text is key! You want to use anchor text that tells Google exactly what the page being linked will be about when clicked. So if you’re writing about how apps affect users’ mental health, don’t use “Click Here” as your link text—try something like “Apps and Mental Health” instead.


In the end, Digital Marketing Ajman is not just about keywords. It’s about creating content that people want to read and share. If you follow these cardinal rules for writing SEO-friendly content, then you’ll be on your way to creating a website that performs well in search engines like Google or Bing.