Unfortunately, half of all cardiac arrest victims do not receive CPR before an ambulance arrives. Now fast forward to the present day and with e-commerce on the rise and e-learning becoming more common, online CPR training Brisbane is no longer a pipe dream. 

That’s why the idea of studying a CPR course Brisbane looked, at best, ambitious and, by most standards, far-fetched. This will assist you in determining whether online, mixed, or classroom training is the right fit for you. 

Thanks to digital technology, you may now take CPR training that suits your schedule and will benefit you for a long time. Here are some reasons why CPR certification is a must-have skill.

## The demand for CPR-certified individuals is increasing.

Many people are said to avoid performing CPR because they are uncomfortable with mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. One of the best things about CPR course Brisbane is that it can be learned by anyone. It can teach you how to save someone’s life and you will be able to help emergency services, police, and fire departments whether you are a parent, student, or someone else.

Accidents such as choking, drowning, and cardiac arrest can occur anywhere and at any moment. You can help a victim right away and contribute to improving the survival rate of cardiac arrest victims around the world.

## Boost your self-assurance

Knowledge is a powerful tool. The more abilities you have, the more self-assured you are. Studies show that learning CPR is at least as effective as in-person learning, a life-saving skill is a powerful factor in and of itself.

Knowing what to do in a medical emergency where panic is likely to set in can assist everyone involved, including the victim, remain calm. This CPR training Brisbane offers you the confidence to know how to face a stressful scenario in an emergency.

first aid training Brisbane

## Assist in saving someone’s life.

Every year, a large number of people die from sudden cardiac arrest. Outside of a hospital, the majority of cardiac arrests occur. At home, four out of every five cardiac arrests occur. As a result, the victim will almost definitely be accompanied by his or her relatives.

Without oxygen, the brain can only endure about six minutes. You are preserving the person’s brain function and stabilising them until emergency personnel arrive by conducting CPR. Furthermore, you are preventing any deterioration and playing a critical part in a situation where life or death is at stake.  

## You have complete control over your learning.

It’s entirely up to you; online courses give you the flexibility to watch instructional videos and access course content on a regular basis, as well as pause and rewind movies until you’ve grasped the concept. You have the option of completing all of the classes and testing in one day or taking your time and completing the course over several months.

Do you want to supplement your CPR course in Brisbane with eLearning? If that’s the case, you’re probably thinking about CPR training Brisbane , how to get the most out of your investment and provide your students with the best possible learning environment and outcomes.