Whether you’re looking to move on from a property, or just trying to make sure that your investment is in good hands, it’s always important to know when the time is right for selling. 

Whether you’ve just bought a property, or whether you’re selling your first, it’s always important to know when the time is right for selling.

If you aren’t sure what to look out for rangiora property for sale, here are some of the most common signs that it may be time for property for sale.

Here are some signs that it may be time for your property to go on the market:

The property is taking up too much of your time and energy

Your property is taking up too much of your time, energy and money. You are not able to enjoy it as much as you would like because there is too much work involved in keeping up with the maintenance of the property.

You feel stressed out because you have so much to do with the property, making your life difficult. You are finding it hard to sleep at night because there just isn’t enough time in a day to get everything done that needs doing on top of all the other things going on in your life right now.

rangiora property for sale

Renovation costs have become a burden

  • Your renovation costs have become too high.
  • You are not able to keep up with the maintenance costs.
  • You are not able to keep up with the mortgage payments.
  • You are not able to keep up with the taxes, insurance and other expenses related to owning a home.

Taxes have become overwhelming

For most people, taxes are the biggest expense in real estate ownership. If you don’t pay your taxes, you will lose your house. Taxes can be paid off over time with monthly instalments or in one lump sum (or both).

However, they may become overwhelming if you’re not careful about how much money you put aside for property taxes each month.

If you are unable to pay your taxes, the government will seize and sell your home. This is known as tax foreclosure. In some cases, you may be able to save your property by paying off any back taxes owed before the sale takes place.


Whether you are looking to sell or rent your property, we can help. Consult expert agents will work with you to find the perfect buyer or tenant for your rangiora property for sale

Expert agents will work with you to find the perfect home for your needs. If you already own a property and need to sell or rent it out, call to near by real estate expert today for help.