Today there are approximately 12 million – 24 million eCommerce sites serving 2.14 Billion Online Shoppers Worldwide! Whoa! That’s a hell lot of a number. There is quite a competition out there among the eCommerce website as the top rank of the Search engine result page cannot accommodate all of these sites. It becomes mandatory to make extra efforts to improve the ranking of your eCommerce website. You sure would be having SEO Auckland for your eCommerce website, but there are certain aspects that are essential to take achieve the ranking. 

Every SEO Company Christchurch in and around try a lot of things to achieve the ranking of an eCommerce website. Each strategy is unique given the varied uniqueness and ranking requirements of the website. 

To provide you with better insight, here is a list of the factors that would affect the website ranking the most. 

Unique and Engaging Product Description

The last thing that you think of for your eCommerce website is the product description. It, in fact, is one of the essential aspects for achieving better rankings on search engines. The mistake is one thing that comes to one’s mind when writing the product description is informative. Apart from just educating the audience about the product, ensure that content is engaging as well. 

It, in fact, would be lucrative to stand out from your competitor. To your surprise, it even is beneficial to improve the conversion rate. Yeah, you heard it right. So, the first thing that your need to make sure of right away is that your product description is top-notch. 

SEO Auckland

Find Relevant & Optimized Keywords

Keyword takes center stage in every SEO strategy, whether it is a business website or an eCommerce website. Relevance is the key to choosing the right keyword for the eCommerce website. Apart from the relevance, there are a variety of factors like the search volume, cost-per-click, the user intent, and more that would also impact your decision-making process regarding the keyword that you wish to choose for your eCommerce website. 

Don’t Forget Long-Tail Keywords

Thanks to voice search that our lives have become considerably easy. The ranking of the search engine result page work in a different way when it comes to voice search. The people use long phrases instead of words. These are termed as Long-Tail Keywords; though they have a low search volume, they are highly relevant when it comes to searching the products on the search engine.          

Add Breadcrumbs

Website breadcrumbs work as a navigational tool that enables website visitors to retrace the previous steps. It has additional SEO benefits as it allows it easier for search engines to crawl and index your site. This minimal effort can provide the required thrust to the website ranking with long-term benefits.

Make sure that your SEO Company Christchurch does take all of this into consideration that in the tailored SEO strategy. Apart from these factors, work on the site speed, Customer Reviews, Easy Navigation, High-Quality Backlinks, On-Page SEO, Site Architecture, Mobile Optimization, Conversion Rate Optimization, proper Management of “Out of Stock Products”, Enable Canonical Tags, and more such efforts would get your website the rank among the top ones of the search engine result page.