Are you looking for a way to increase traffic on your website through SEO in Dubai? If yes, you need to know the following tips & tricks that will help you to use the SEO techniques in the best way.

  • Use Unique & Quality Content

The biggest mantra of getting the most out of SEO is to use unique and quality content. Posting raw content on your website will not only refresh the customers but Google as well. By doing this, you are helping Google to platter unique content to the users that include a lot of information and statics, which can be rejuvenating to anybody’s mind. So say no to content copying. Go with unique and high-quality content only.

  • Don’t Stuff Too Many Keywords

People need to calm down about keyword using strategy. The logic is simple, nobody wants to read content stuffed with too many keywords. Not only will it lower the content quality but also it might make Google consider your content as spam. So, instead of going up, your traffic & reach will go down.

However, you can consider adding two or three keywords in your 300 to 500 blog posts. Don’t exceed the keyword adding quantity to avoid getting spammed.

  • Go For Quality Images & GIFs

Adding only quality images isn’t just enough. Your clients need something interesting and eye-catching to read. GIFs are trending and people are loving it. Adding funny or relatable GIFs are the best things to do in your blog or article. You already might have seen many Responsive Web Design in Dubai that include GIFs to attract people towards your website. Media helps clients to understand your website and the motive of your business better than anything else. Therefore, adding high-quality images and trending GIFs is a good idea to attract more and more people towards your website or blog. So pick your favourite ones or create your unique GIFs.

SEO in Dubai

  • Pay Attention To User Experience

User experience is everything in SEO. Google ranks those websites high that provide smooth escalation to customers and focus on the major query. For example, if your website is loading quickly, Google will consider your website as a good and user-friendly website & you have higher chances of coming on the first page of SERP. On the other hand, if your website takes longer than 3 seconds to load, your website will stay behind and most of your customers will not reach you. Therefore, your website and all your SEO must focus on providing the best user experience so that your brand can be found and reached by the customers.

  • Rank For Google’s Featured Snippet

Leveraging Google traffic begins with matching all the features of Google. The modern Google search results are much more than website links. Now, whenever you search anything, you get featured snippet listed on the top that attains the attention of any user. Therefore, adding featured snippets on your website or blog is the best idea. Mostly, the featured snippet contains several steps or points that are easy to read and focus on the context.

Use the above information to get the most out of Shopify Development in Dubai or any other country.

Related: 5 Tips To Get The Most of SEO in Dubai