Choosing the best boarding school can be one of the most important decisions regarding your child’s education. Some schools offer excellent curriculums, but when it comes to boarding schools, students are only as happy as their parents. When choosing your best Boarding Schools In Nz, use these questions to ensure you choose the right fit for your family and all its members.

1) What is your mission?

The mission statement should give you a clear idea about their aims and values. It is often helpful for parents to decide whether or not their child will get any value out of attending that school. Furthermore, it helps you understand where your money is going so that you are sure that your child will be receiving the best possible education from a trustworthy institution. If a boarding school does not have a clearly stated mission, it might be worth looking further into.

Boarding Schools In Nz

2) How Long Have You Been In Business?

If you’re considering Boarding Schools In New Zealand wide for your child, you need to ensure that they have a history of operating successfully. You also want them to be reliable. For example, some schools are one-off operations that never truly set roots in their communities. On top of being transient, these schools may not be able to provide students with a high level of service and education. Instead, boarding schools have been around for decades and have developed strong relationships with families in their areas.

3) Why Were You Founded?

A school’s history is important because it shows how it has evolved and is a good indicator of how it will change. If a school was founded decades ago, chances are they have some history of thought leadership and innovation that you would want to experience. It is also a good sign if they were founded by experienced educators or industry professionals who have extensive knowledge in their field. If a school was founded recently, ask about their vision for education or why they wanted to create an institution of learning.

4) Who Are The Students You Work With, And What Are Their Circumstances?

Most boarding schools work with students from underprivileged families, low income and moderate-income families, but many also have wealthier students. What you should look for in a school that has a mix of high achieving students and those who are struggling so that they can provide support in all areas. There’s nothing worse than being in an environment with only super-smart kids or only those who are struggling because it’s hard to relate and feel like part of either group.

5) What Kind Of Support Do You Offer Families?

It’s an obvious question, but many schools that don’t prioritize family communication may not be right for your child. If you want to contact your child and make sure he or she is well taken care of, it can be helpful if you are familiar with and comfortable using any online portals provided by your school. You may also ask how often teachers speak with parents and how else they can be included in support activities.


While most people think of Boarding Schools In New Zealand as places for children to go when their parents can’t take care of them, many students attend boarding schools independently. If you’re thinking about boarding school, consider how long you want to stay and your goals before deciding on your education. Remember that you don’t have to go away for school; plenty of colleges near home still offer dorms and all of the same amenities.