For every search query, there have been endless search results. But as per human tendency, we click links that are on the first result page. It indicates, if we have an online business, we have to remain visible under our target customers’ searches. SEO Company Dubai can help you extract fruitful results.

If you ever feel like joining any SEO Agency in Dubai or want to learn SEO on your own, you should sharpen up your skills with 5 must-to-learn skills

  1. Technical SEO
  2. Link Building
  3. Content Marketing
  4. Social Media Marketing
  5. Website Usability

Once you master all of the above skills, you can start working as a professional SEO wizard.

But for that, you need to understand these terms.

  1. Technical SEO

Many of you may think SEO must be about keyword research and then wordsmithing on a page. But, it’s a half story. Full information is, SEO is about making the website look good for visitors as well as for Google to increase the chances of being found for relevant searches. Apart from on-page optimization which includes Title tags, Meta tags, H1, H2, and keyword placement, it’s essential to get enough idea about technical SEO. It includes server-side settings, sitemaps, rewrites, server response codes, and many more.

SEO Company Dubai

  1. Link Building

To become a rounded SEO practitioner, you should get enough information about link building. As the ratio of people using social media platforms is increasing day by day, more platforms come to highlight for building links such as trustable PR sites, blogging platforms, and many more. You can upload your quality blogs on various blogging platforms or even on social media accounts to obtain a directive link in return to increase website traffic and conversion rates.

  1. Content Marketing

Content in any form, be it text, video, or audio, is necessary to express and introduce the business to the world. The ultimate truth is, “content is king”. Content marketing further divides into two parts, content creation and content distribution. There have been lots of content ideas that combine in the form of blogs, articles, guest posts, etc. And, as an SEO, you need to figure out whether the content meets the goal or not. It includes basic skills like keyword research, finding basic content gaps, and content distribution.

  1. Social Media Marketing

From nowhere, social media becomes our daily routine. From bed-time to dine-time, our world revolves around various social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and many more. Leveraging such social media tactics for link building is essential, but SEO tends to generate website traffic and gain customers through social media engagement.

  1. Website Usability

Website usability is another important skill that you should learn. It covers up whether the information on your website is useful or not. Visitors can easily navigate through your website and the objects are placed properly on the site. Hence, it is necessary to learn about information architecture to organize the content and decide the folder structure, label elements, and other many factors where there are high chances of mistakes.

We’ve highlighted an overview of these 5 SEO skills. To get deeper insights, you should contact SEO Company Dubai and register for a learning session.