Rental property management is a lot of work. Fortunately, it can be made easier with some planning and organisation. There are many different responsibilities that go into successful Christchurch Rental Property Management, but I’ve identified five areas that are essential for any successful rental property owner.


Management is the process of managing the property, the tenants, and all other aspects of your rental business. The following are some of the basic tasks that fall under this category:

  • Managing tenants. This includes screening them and making sure they move in on time; handling maintenance requests; collecting rents on time; evicting bad tenants when necessary, and communicating with them using tools such as email or text messages.
  • Managing property managers (PMs). As an owner, you’ll need to hire PMs for financial management, legal advice, insurance coverage, advertising/marketing efforts, etc., but you also need to manage these PMs so that they do what you want them to do in a timely manner and at an appropriate cost level—and this can be quite challenging!

Christchurch Rental Property Management


  • Managing property staff. You may have no employees yourself if you work from home or only use contractors occasionally for maintenance work (as I did), but whether hired full-time staff members or part-time hourly workers who handle certain tasks such as yard maintenance throughout any given week—you still need to manage them effectively if they’re working under your direction.


Accounting is the process of recording and summarising transactions. It’s the foundation for financial analysis and provides a means to evaluate performance, identify trends, and make informed decisions about future operations.

Accuracy: Accounting should be as accurate as possible. For example, property managers need accurate rent rolls (rental listings), so they know what tenants owe each month and can collect on time. They also need accurate records of income from tenants (e.g., security deposits). If you don’t have an accountant or bookkeeper working with you on a regular basis—or if your accounting system is not set up properly—you’ll find yourself correcting mistakes later on down the road when it’s too late to do anything about them!

Timeliness: When it comes to accounting for any given transaction, there is never enough time in which all details can be entered into your software program or completed manually by hand after each event has occurred (such as receiving rent checks). The best practice here would be having someone else enter data into their computer whenever possible instead of doing everything themselves manually because this gives them more opportunity in between events happening within each day/week/month/year…etcetera…


  • Maintenance is one of the most crucial aspects of managing a rental property. As such, it’s important to create and follow a maintenance plan that accounts for all of your assets.
  • A good maintenance plan will help you keep track of all repairs and costs associated with maintaining your property. This way, you’ll know how much money you’re spending on repairs and preventative measures so that you can plan accordingly in order to avoid major expenses down the road.
  • If possible, consider hiring someone who specialises in property management—this person will be able to give better advice than someone else who doesn’t have this kind of experience under his or her belt.
  • You’ll want to make sure that all maintenance tasks are completed promptly when necessary (and there will always be times when they need doing), so it’s important that any responsible parties know what needs doing at each point in time without fail!

Tenant Relations

The most important part of your rental property business is your tenants. They are the customers that pay your bills and keep you going. They’re also people with feelings, who want to feel comfortable in their environment, safe from harm or disruption, and like they are getting value for money by renting from you. You need to earn their trust by providing them with good service so that they will recommend you to friends and family members looking for a place to live.


There are many ways to market your properties, but some of them aren’t effective.

  • Advertising on Craigslist, Facebook and other marketplace websites is great for getting people in the door. It’s also expensive and can burn through your budget quickly if you’re not careful.
  • Social media is an important part of any marketing strategy because it makes you more visible to potential renters. However, just posting ads on Facebook isn’t enough—you need a plan for how to reach those people through organic content as well as paid advertising (and no one knows what’s going to work better than you do).
  • Search engine optimisation (SEO) is something that most property managers don’t have time for or feel comfortable doing themselves. However, good SEO can help move your listings higher up in Google search results so that potential renters can find them more easily without having to search very hard or dig around too much for the information about the properties available for rent at different addresses within a given area.”

Rental properties require a lot of work. This is the first thing you should know if you’re considering buying rental properties. There’s no getting around it: rental properties need to be managed, and there will always be a fair amount of upkeep for tenants to take care of as well, so if this isn’t your cup of tea, then owning a rental property may not be for you.

If this does sound like something that interests you, however—if it sounds like something that would appeal to the enterprising side of your personality—then read on! You’ll find plenty here about how to go about finding good investment opportunities and what kind of strategy can help ensure your success as an investor in this industry.


We hope you find some helpful information in this article. There is a lot to consider when managing your Christchurch Rental Property Management, and it’s easy to get overwhelmed by all the details that go into it. But don’t worry—we have you covered so that you can take a decision easily.